Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the Chi Beta Epsilon Foundation. The Chi Beta Epsilon Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in 2012 for the purpose of raising scholarship money for current active members of Chi Beta Epsilon and students at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.
In order to fund one scholarship each semester, a minimum amount of $2,500 is needed. From $5 to $50,000, your dollars make a difference! We rely on our donors to help fulfill our mission. Make a donation and know that you are making a positive impact in the lives of Chi Beta women for years to come. The following levels are suggestions but by no means a limitation to the amounts of donations we accept:
Platinum ($1000+)
Diamond ($500 - $999)
Ruby ($250 - $499)
Pearl ($100 - $249)
Carnation ($25 - $99)

Past Donations