About the Foundation
The Chi Beta Epsilon Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in 2012 for the purpose of raising scholarship money for current active members of Chi Beta Epsilon students in good standing at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. With the cost of Trinity exceeding $50,000, Chi Beta alumni organized the Foundation as a means to assist a current Chi Beta active or actives in financing their Trinity education while also providing a meaningful connection between Chi Beta actives and alumni. Since February 2013, Chi Beta Epsilon Foundation has funded 14 scholarships totaling $35,000.
Fundraising efforts also provide an opportunity for networking, both professionally and socially, for Chi Betas, as well as a means to celebrate our sisterhood. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the XBE Foundation today!
Current Directors:
Beth Dunn Plummer, PC '79
Jeanne McGee Culver PC '79
Rachel Davis Donnelly, PC '97